Donate Blood is a Noble Deed

Your blood can save lives of others. As a donor, of course, you need to know if you give blood a healthy and safe for patients who need them. But sometimes your blood can not be given to the patient. This happens because you feel healthy even if your blood can carry the virus / disease-causing germs that may unintentionally transmit the disease to the recipient of your blood.
Therefore, before the necessary blood donor selection or examination of donors with the aim of :
1. Maintaining healthy donors.
2. Preventing the risk of disease transmission to recipients of blood.
The Disease can be Transmitted through Blood Transfusion
A. HIV Infection / AIDS
The cause of a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Once someone is infected with HIV, she can transmit HIV to others all his life. People infected with HIV called HIV positive. People who are HIV positive does not mean he has AIDS, because AIDS symptoms will appear an average of 2 - 10 years since the person is infected with HIV. Before the AIDS symptoms a person with HIV is still felt and looked healthy, even be negative laboratory examination if the person has recently infected with HIV. The period between the entry of HIV into the human body until the formation of antibody to HIV or HIV positive is called, it takes 2 weeks to 3 months. Period is called the window period (window period). Before the AIDS symptoms, can transmit HIV to others by mistake because he did not know if infected with HIV.
AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, a disease/collection of symptoms caused by the loss/damage the human immune system so that the actual disease is not dangerous for people with AIDS can lead to death.
Modes of Transmission of HIV
Besides can pass through the blood (blood transfusion, needle, needle piercing, tattoos and other puncture tool) can also be transmitted through :
- Sexual relationship with a partner who is great and turns.
- Pregnant women who are HIV positive to the fetus/baby.
The people who have a big risk getting HIV / AIDS and should not donate blood is :
- People who have several sexual partners both heterosexual and homosexual.
- Have / are suffering from sexually transmitted diseases, such as GO, syphilis, etc.
- Users who use injection drugs.
- A person with signs and symptoms such as AIDS, sweating so much at night, fever, weight loss, swollen glands neck and underarms, permanent diarrhea, also cancer.
- A person who is the lab results of his HIV positive.
HIV / AIDS or other diseases is not available because someone donated blood. Because all the tools used to draw blood is always sterile and disposable.
B. Hepatitis (Heart Inflammation)
Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver disease with symptoms :
a. Yellow throughout the body
b. Abdominal pain upper right
c. Fever
d. Decreased appetite
e. Nausea and Vomiting
In some people there who have no symptoms and no pain, but found a positive laboratory signs of hepatitis B/C, so that when blood is given to the patient accidentally infect patients. Modes of transmission Hepatitis B/C the same as HIV.
C. Syphilis
If you have pain or laboratory syphilis VDR / RPR positive your blood will not be given to those who are sick.
D. Malaria
Malaria is a disease with major symptoms of fever, may be accompanied by chills. The disease is often lost and arise, therefore if you just have these symptoms, you are requested to postpone the first donation.
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